Saturday, October 27, 2007

Then and Now

"Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."
From "My Back Pages" by Bob Dylan - Click here for Complete Lyrics.

I remember when I worked in New York (Manhattan), I could run 2 blocks to cash my check, whiz into a store to buy a new outfit for a Friday night date, pop into a Nedick's (are they still there?) to grab a hot dog, and be back at my desk...all within a 1-hour lunch break! would take me the entire hour just to get to the bank!

Things that hurt NOW didn't hurt THEN! And I sure moved around better THEN than I do NOW!

I still want to be able to get around. I REFUSE to do otherwise, so I'm considering a way to increase my mobility!
See my Blog SCOOT(er) Back.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I'd love to have the access of NYC! I live in the boonies and it stinks!!! LOL! Here's hoping you can find the mobility you want! :) Have a great weekend!